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Pride Men's Chorus London

Activities: Queer Centric Programs: Queer Centric

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Pride Men’s Chorus London creates experiences through choral music that promote community, inclusiveness and excellence. We believe that music “levels the playing ground” for all of us. It heals, enlightens and fosters community.

The choir is available to all men regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.

We celebrate those who came before us and fought so we can sing out proudly. Without their activism to create a country where all can be treated with equality and respect, this initiative would not be possible. We sing to challenge perceptions of the LGBTQ community. Our goals include combating fear and hatred, encouraging compassion through human connection and inspiring our audiences with the superb quality of our sound. Music helps audiences mourn losses, cheer victories, find unconditional acceptance and celebrate life!

Pride Men's Chorus is available to tenors and basses of all sexual orientations and gender identities. The choir is co-directed by Rod Culham (conductor) and Clark Bryan (accompanist).

Rehearsals take place on Sunday evenings at Bishop Cronyn Memorial at 442 William Street, London, from 7:30 - 9:30 pm.

All prospective members or those with questions or suggestions, should contact pridemenschorus@yahoo.com.

Services & Activities
  • Rehearsal every Sunday evening
  • Concerts held at the Aeolian Hall


    Pride Men's Chorus London
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