What Are Trans Rights?

Trans people have been around for hundreds of years and we're not about to stop existing now!

Trans Rights are Human Rights.

When we talk about trans rights we mean the right to exist without fear of harassment, violence and discrimination simply because we are transgender.

Our community is constantly battling for the right to do everyday tasks with the same level of respect and decency as cis-gender individuals. (cis-gender means you gender identity matches your biological sex.)


Wondering about Trans? Get to know the basics about our community with QE's TRANS 101

Trans Rights 101


We want to live our lives without judgement


  • We want to walk down the street on our way to work and school without inappropriate comments, stares and general transphobia.
  • We need to have the same right to visit the grocery store, bank, restaurants and other business without experiences discrimination.
  • We want to be accepted for the rental agreement, job opportunity, team position and not be denied solely because we are Trans.
  • We are people too! People just trying to go about our day

Equal Access


Trans Folks Deserve Equal Access to Public Services


  • We want to learn in an environment that acknowledges our existence and from an educator who does not attempt to erase us or diminish my value as a human.
  • We need to be able access our local health unit, doctors office or pharmacy and receive accurate health information and services.
  • When individuals in our community become victims of crimes, our police departments, justice systems and governments need to ensure these cases are treated with the same level of professionalism and expediency as all other cis-gender cases.

Support the Trans Community

QueerEvents.ca - Trans Rights

The Struggles of Equal Rights & Acceptance

Our trans community continues to face a constant challenge in attaining equal rights. However, despite the challenges and setbacks the trans community continues to stand up for our rights and take on these challenges.

For all our fellow trans and gender non-binary friends, we will continue to create safe spaces for you and raising awareness about our trans community.

QueerEvents.ca - Trans Rights

Reach Out & Connect with Trans Folks

A show of support and acceptance from our friends, family and allys contributes towards building a strong community. We have a diverse community and there are many ways to show your support including volunteering, donating and attending local community events.

Trans Resources
QueerEvents.ca - Trans Rights

Education & Awareness are our greatest tools

There is one consistent way to combat hate and discrimination, Education. The more informed we are as individuals the more change we can affect.

Get started with the Trans 101 or perhaps the Pronouns 101 education sections to brush up on the basics.

Learn the Basics

Wondering about Pronouns? Don't worry, QE got you covered with our Pronouns 101

Stop Transphobia, Speak Up!


Change requires education and people brave enough to take a stand and be heard.


  • When you hear and see transphobia, speak up! Silence does nothing except allow the hate and bullying to continue.
  • Show your support for a local trans-centric organizations by volunteering or donating towards trans initiatives.
  • When trans rights & freedoms are in jeopardy contact your local government official to be heard. (Find out how to contact Ontario MPP)

Mark Your Calendar
Important Trans Dates

International Transgender Day of Visibility March 31st
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia (IDAHOT) May 17th
International Pronouns Day October 17th
Trans Parent Day 1st Sunday in November
Transgender Awareness Week 2nd week in November
Transgender Day of Remembrance November 20th

November 20th marks the International Trans Day of Remembrance. Learn more about TDOR

Food for Queers Community Program

Food for Queers
Stay Safe. Not Hungry

Providing support for 2SLGBTQ+ folks experiencing food insecurities within the city of London

No questions. No contact. Just Support!

Future is Queer! #QueerEvents