PFLAG Durham Region
Connect with your community
PFLAG Canada Durham Region provides support, education and resources on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity/expressions to all within our reach. We are the only nonprofit LGBTQ direct support and service provider in Durham Region.
When the national organization, PFLAG Canada, was formed, Durham Region became a chapter. While the roots of PFLAG Durham Region are humble, we have now grown to include over 60 people each month at coffee/sharing nights; we reach over 2,200 people every year through our education seminars; in 2016 we sent over 60 campers to our LGBTQ and Allies Youth Leadership Camp–the first of its kind in Canada; and we have expanded to include Transitions (a supportive social group for trans adults) and much more.
- Monthly Socials
- Youth groups for teenagers
- Young Adult Groups
- Peer-Peer Support
- Many more activities
Food for Queers
Stay Safe. Not Hungry
Providing support for 2SLGBTQ+ folks experiencing food insecurities within the city of London